Data People

Whether you’re looking for a short-term solution to support a fixed term project, a longer-term solution to act as an extension of your internal data team, or a fully-outsourced team, we can help.

Our people

How We Can support you with

data people

From data analysts to data scientists to solution architects to program managers, we regularly supply our customers across a wide range of sectors with the people and teams they need to crunch the numbers, build the right platform and get the project done.

Managed Team

Our managed team solution is our most popular package that we offer to clients, and is well-suited to companies that are looking for on-going support and are struggling from lack of bandwidth or technical skill set internally.

We can either act as a permanent extension to your in-house team, or you can fully outsource your requirements to us to manage in silo. As a result, you can avoid challenges, such as:

  • Lack of permanent internal resource
  • Lack of specialised skill set in-house
  • Costly recruitment processess to obtain the right talent

At Ipsos Jarmany we are experienced in providing end-to-end fully managed teams for both project, and ongoing, deliverables.

We can support you with a whole range of data services, including:

  • Data management and collection
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Data visualisation

Skills Gap

As a result of the rapid growth and increasing complexity of technologies relating to data and analytics, the industry is facing a significant skills gap, resulting in a shortage of professionals with the necessary technical and analytical skill set.

The significance of this skills gap is having an adverse effect on the way companies can manage their data in-house, and can lead to a number of challenges such as:

  • Inefficient data management
  • Missed opportunities to leverage their data effectively
  • Increased recruitment and training costs

Leaning on external agencies to support your in-house capability is often the solution to closing your skills gap. By doing so, you can benefit from:

  • Reduced recruitment and training costs
  • Accessing a wider pool of talent as and when needed
  • Driving internal efficiencies by freeing up internal resource to focus on more business-critical tasks

Project Team

At Ipsos Jarmany, we can provide a group of individuals with specialised skill sets and expertise to support you with either long or shorter-term projects.

With varied commercial and technical skills and expertise, this is a popular solution for companies that need to quickly up-skill for specific projects and can help to reduce the workload of internal staff, as well as:

  • Provide a fresh perspective to the project
  • Help to identify innovative solutions and strategies
  • Bridge the internal skills gap

By working with an external agency to support in-house project teams, you can benefit from:

  • Helping to ensure projects are delivered on time, and to a high standard
  • Providing opportunities for learning and development for in-house staff
  • Freeing up internal resource to focus on business-as-usual tasks

Working with Ipsos Jarmany

As experienced data analytics consultants, we understand that it’s not just about what we can help you with — it’s about how we provide that help.

One source of truth

We lift the lid on how your data is sourced, managed and used, and bring your data together in one place.

Tailored advice

Every business is different. We listen to your challenges and your needs to understand the best solution for you.


We’re focused on delivering real results and outcomes, and we will hit the ground running from day one.

Start a conversation with us today

Start the conversation today to find out how we can help you on your data journey.