Optimise Your Operations Performance

If you are selling products and services directly or through retail partners then you’ll need a smart way to collect, manage and apply your data to guarantee success. Ultimately this is about better stock management, better planning and driving sales.

Our Operations Solutions


Artificial Intelligence in Operations

Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) is critical if you want to uncover meaningful insights, automate processes and drive internal efficiencies in your sales and operations function.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we have the ability to build and implement a variety of AI solutions, including:

  • Inventory management AI – to automatically manage stock levels to make sure they keep at the optimal level in channel to maximise sales but minimise ageing stock
  • Dynamic Forecasting – so you can determine future sales based on previous purchase behaviour and other variables to allow future stock allocation planning
  • Automated audits and proof of execution – saving you time and resource by automatically approving, disapproving or escalating claims based on set criteria.

We can support you with:

  • Identifying which AI models are best suited to your business needs based on the specific insights you require
  • Building, launching and ongoing management of AI models
  • Ensuring your data is in the right place so the model output is optimal
Pie chart

Data Collection and Management

Data Management is the process of collecting, cleaning, organising, and storing data securely to use it to make informed business decisions. Collecting data from multiple sources for multiple products is complex and requires an approach that works for you and your business.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we use cutting-edge technology and years of experience to help you keep your data safe and secure, yet accurate and available for those that need it. With our advanced tech and experienced and qualified team of data management experts, we can help you make sense of your data and achieve greater success in your business.

We can support you with:

  • Collecting and managing your raw data from numerous sources
  • Cleaning the data so it’s accurate and reliable
  • Creating front-end visualisations and dashboard so you can derive actionable insights

Channel Visibility

Companies relying on both Direct and Indirect channels to sell their products need to be able to accurately know how much they are selling to consumers, and not just how much they are selling to their channel partners.

Channel visibility is therefore critical for businesses to gain these insights, as well as to optimise their sales and distribution strategies, improve their supply chain operations and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

We are experts in collating your channel partner data into one source of the truth that allows you to make important business decisions using accurate sales and stock data.

We can support you with:

  • Tracking and analysing sales data across different channels
  • Identifying areas for opportunity, as well as potential risks
  • Improving your visibility and insights of the customer journey
venn diagram

Demand Planning

One of the key challenges faced by companies is the ability to accurately predict future demand for their products, allowing them to know how much to produce in the future. By combining 1st and 3rd party data sets, you can accurately predict the future either on a periodic basis or as an automated part of your business process.

With Ipsos Jarmany on your team, you will have the right number of products in stock at the time of peak demand, whilst spending less on warehousing products during slack periods. We take into account historical and emerging trends to bring your business closer to a Just-In-Time model of manufacture and distribution.

We can support you with:

  • Consolidating your raw data in order to identify and analyse historical trends
  • Building AI models to predict future behaviour so you can plan ahead
  • Deriving actionable insights so you can ensure greater internal efficiencies
Tick list

Inventory Management

Managing stock in channel is a critical part of managing a business. It is equally imperative to avoid lost sales due to lack of stock as well as avoiding too much stock in channel that could result in costly buy backs of aged goods.

By integrating your stock control systems with external suppliers and customers, and optimising the flow of goods between warehouses, you can find patterns and trends in your data which will help to improve planning, and improve warehouse management systems.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we are experts in creating line of business processes that help you manage your stock in both direct and indirect distribution channels.

We can support you with:

  • Consolidating your stock and supply data to get a holistic view of your inventory
  • Identifying trends and patterns in your data to improve planning and management
  • Understanding where and how to implement optimisations that drive efficiencies
Data visualisation

Category and Account Performance

Category and Account Managers need stock and sales data they can rely on. Whether it’s to plan future investments or drive the here and now.

Data analytics can help you to gain valuable insights into sales data and customer behaviour so you can identify which areas have the highest potential for growth, where to expand product offerings and target new customer segments, and how to manage inventory and supply chain operations more efficiently.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we have experience building reporting suites using raw data that means these decisions are based on solid and reliable numbers giving you the peace of mind to run your business.

We can support you with:

  • Analysing sales and performance data across different product categories
  • Identifying which product and category areas are driving the most profit
  • Optimising marketing and sales strategies to drive greater performance across different product categories


It’s imperative that you are properly collecting and managing your data in order to ensure data integrity. Once you have data integrity you can start to build models that make predictions based on past and present data, so you can be better prepared for the future. 

There are a number of methods of how to do a quantitative forecast, whether that be time series or econometric based.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we have a team in place that can provide the tools and expertise needed to analyse and interpret historical data, build statistical models, and make accurate predictions about future trends and events.

We can support you with:

  • Building AI models to help predict future demand based on historic behaviour
  • Identifying actionable insights so you can make better operational and financial decisions
  • Highlighting opportunities to optimise and refine strategic decisions about investment, budgeting and resource allocation


Collecting and managing your data is one thing, but you also need to be able to truely understand what the data is telling you in order to obtain actionable insights that help drive business performance and internal efficiencies.

Dashboards are the perfect solution for turning this raw data into digestable information, and can help you to quickly identify trends, patterns and areas of strength and weakness in your performance. Alongside this, they can easily be shared amongst different teams with rules set to only show each team the information that matters to them.

We have experience with the latest BI tools including Power BI, Tableau, Looker and Qlik, so we’re well equipped to build and design you a bespoke BI solution. 

We can support you with:

  • Streamlining your data sets into one consolidated view
  • Building reports and dashboards that ladder up to your businesses main KPIs
  • Extracting actionable insights to help drive business performance

Additional Resources

We helped this FMCG business to fine tune their sales operations, predict market volumes and improve their market share.

How we brought this tech giant’s data sources together into one version of the truth so they could improve their operational efficiency.

This demo is designed to manage all your first- and third- party data in one sleek easy-to-use dashboard.

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